Saturday, September 4, 2010

Fun times...

Oh my gosh there is so much ta tell bout an I know I can't tell it all so gonna tell bout some fun stuff that been goin on. Ya know I love all the animals so much! God not owny blessed me with the bestest Mama in the world, but awso with lots an lots a animals in our lives. We gots a dog named Lizzy an she is real smart an sweet.She can do all kins a stuff an what she ain't able a do, Mama can teach her real fast! Mama awso gived me a doggie the other day. His name is Amos an he gots lots an lots a hair. Mama sayed that his hair protecks him an he has ta keep it long an in his eyes. Seems silly ta me, but she knows better so I cided not ta give him a haircut.

One day we was out walkin an Nina, the horsie, was with us. I getted up on a fence ta walk an it was kinna hard ta keep mine balance but I was doin real good. Nina was worried bout me I think cuz she keeped standin next ta me like she was gonna catch me if I falled of. I didn't fall though an maked it all the way cross!

The other day while Mama was busy talkin ta Timmie, I was playin with Simon, Isaac an Abel, mine bunnies. I was petting Abel an cided ta take him inta the barn an introduce him ta Mona mine pony. They was gettin long real good, nose ta nose sniffin an stuff so I cided ta see if Abel wanted ta ride her..
He dun soooo good, I was real proud a him.

Oh, I amost forgetted a tell say that we hadda move back ta the ranch. Mama was kinna sad bout how it all comed bout, but it really ain't all that bad. Like I telled Mama, I dun care where we live so long as I am with her. We getted a new house an we get ta share one big room upstairs.

Well this mornin I getted up an Mama was sleepin so good I not wanted a wake her. I was really hungry an I knew there was lots goin on today so I cided ta make mineself some eggies. It was so funny cuz Amos was followin me every step I taked, he wanted some eggies too! One time he even rolled over on he back an jus begged me. Or maybe he jus wanted me a pet his tummy, not sure! Makin eggies is lots harder than it looks when Mama is doin it. I breaked a few an kinna maked a lil fire in the pan. I'm gonna let Mama do the cookin from now on... maybe.
This afternoon there was a real big Livestock Show in town on Allen Street. Mama had a go someplace so Miss Lita was in charge an she letted me ride on Darkfire. Oh my it was so fun!I getted a do tricks with her an Dark was such a good girl. She did everythin I asked her a do an perfeckly too! I even dun a handstand on her back an standed up on the saddle an dun a flip. She waved an bowed an guess what... we getted 2nd Place... a purty red ribbon! An Miss Lita getted 1st Place... a blue ribbon. Shadow our doggie had a blue ribbon too. An then at the end, Mister Mayor Adrian called Miss Lita an the big draft horsie up an gived em a big trophy!!!! We gots the bestest animals an Mama an Miss Lita trains em so good.
I can't wait ta see Mama later an tell her all bout our day!

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