Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Last days a our trip...

Our last days in Colierado was more splorin an havin fun. Me an Mama had lotsa fun swimmin. We started at our campsite an swimmed up the river a ways ta a big lake. At the lake we seen a big bullfrog!He was huge an maked lotsa noise. I was thinkin it would be fun ta bring him home, but Mama didn't think we could catch him. She even putted a lilypad on her head ta see if the froggie would git on her. It was soooo funny, ya shuda seen her with that big thing on her head. We awso seen a beautiful swan an it wasn't even scared a us.
We noticed a canoe that was on the side a the river an ain't no one round so we borrowed it an went up the river a ways. Mama showed me how ta use the oar an it really ain't too hard. She's stronger then me so I think she doed mos the work, but I helped. We was paddlin long an comed ta a real big Native village. Mama sayed we had a be real quiet. We didn't see any Natives so we sitted real quiet for lil while lookin at all the stuff they gots there.
After we was done we goed back to our camp an Mama was laughin cuz she sayed I getted a bath an dun even realize it. I dun like baths so much an I guess with all that swimmin in the purty water I was clean. Our last nite in the tent was kinna sad fer me cuz I really liked it there campin near the water.
In the mornin we went inta town an had some breakfast then goed back an packed up the tent an all our stuff. Mama sayed we was takin Barley home with us an I was so cited. He's a great lil burro. Mama sayed he's a burro an not a donkey but they is in the same family... I ain't sure what that means. All I know is I love him. We loaded up all our stuff onta Barley... he's real strong. Dun tell Mama, but I think he's even stronger than her!

When we getted ta the train station Mama had ta let the man take Barley cuz he hadda ride in the back of the train with the other animals. I think he was kinna scared at first but Mama maked sure they feeded him lotsa carrots an apples, so I bet he was happy an not scared no more. We was in "first class" gain an the nice lady bringed us lotsa good food an juice.
When we getted ta Benson an off the train I was real suprised ta see Miss Lita there! She comed ta pick us up an she had Trouble with her an the carriage. I think they was both real happy ta see us an suprised ta see Barley. I think Miss Lita likes him too. It was good ta see her an good ta be back home.
So now we is home an things seem ta be good. Miss Lita, Timmie an Miss Syrah taked really good care a all the animals. My bunnies looked better than when we left an Mona an Jacob were real happy. The bestest was seein Twister. He bout goed crazy when he seen Mama back home. Poor Twister musta missed her real bad. I was happy ta see all the animals an we getted ta ride inta town an see Miss Sarah an Lily too!

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