Monday, August 9, 2010

Catchin up...

I ain't writed much lately, but life has been real good. Seems like we are aways busy with stuff... Mama is startin ta do some farmin at the ranch. She an Timmie was workin real hard the other day gettin an area ready ta plant some wheat. I getted there jus in time ta get em some water an relax with em.I feeled kina bad that I was home bein lazy while they was workin so hard, but after seein how tired Timmie was I dun know if I could a kept up with em anyways. It's gonna be fun grownin stuff... I love carrots an hope we get ta grow some for me an the horsies... maybe even the bunnies will git some!

Yesterday I goed inta town all by myslef. Mama was busy an I didn't wanna sturb her so I tried ta find someone else ta take me an couldn't. I was real careful an maked sure there wasn't any strangers or bad guys round while I was travelin. It had been awhile since I selled lemonade an wanted to get out there afore the lemons goed bad. The lemonade was real good, but fer some reason not many folks wanted ta buy any. In fact only one nice lady buyed some. The rest a the grown ups seemed ta wanna drink that whiskey stuff *shrugs*

Anyways, when I getted home I had ta clean up the kitchen floor cuz I spilled some stew an forgetted bout it an it was dry an icky. Mama was real nice an not getted mad at me! Then she asked where I had been an I was kina scared ta tell her but I figured I better not lie an telled her the truth bout goin ta town all lone. We talked bout it an guess what... she sayed she trusted me an fer now on I'm loud ta go so long as I promised to be real real careful! I Rainbow Promised that I would be very careful. A corse I gots a be back fer dinner an can't be gone too long or nothin. So, now I am loud ta go from home ta the ranch an home ta town all by myself. It makes me feel good that my Mama trusts me nuf ta let me do these things.

Mona is such a wonerful pony. I've been tryin ta make some time everyday ta go an see her an at least brush an hug her. The best days are when we git ta go ridin. Last nite we went fer a ride. Mama, Miss Lita an me... an a course a herd a horsies came long too. There was some a the horsies from our ranch, but awso some that we dun know. We passed by Miss Whisper an Jules place. They gots a real big barn an not too many horsies so I think they keeped two a the ones that was with us. Miss Lita stayed ahind an helped them get ta know the horsies while me an Mama keeped ridin. We ended up in town jus in time for storytime. Miss Sarah telled a story about Blackbeard's Ghost... it was kina scary, but real good.
After our ride an storytime I was purty tired. We goed home an getted ready for bed an Mama brushed my hair, which I jus love when she does it.I've rested an napped in my own bed, but so far I ain't sleeped in it overnite. I love sleepin with Mama an I dun think she minds it either. She hums real purty like an angel an I fall sleep in her arms...

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