Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Just stuff...

The past week has been purty good, cept fer las nite which I'll git ta in a bit.

I'm really happy ta have my Mama! She understans me real good an doesn't git mad like other grown up do when I do stuff. Like the other day I was walkin on the high up rail at home. I was bein real careful an Mama telled me ta git down, but she didn't yell at me or anythin. She jus telled me ta git down an I know why... it's cuz she cares bout me an that feels good.
Mama started ta tell me a real good story, we ain't finished yet but it's bout a guy named Gulliver an he ends up all lone at this place. But, he's not really lone cuz there are lots an lots a lil people. They are real people but they are only six inches tall... that's real lil cuz Mama showed me with her fingers how tall it is. Gulliver is sleepin right now an we are gonna finish the story another nite. Mama was rockin me an I was bout fallin sleep at the same time Gulliver did... I think the lil people gived me some a the same sleepy drink they gived Gulliver :)
The other day there was a mean white horsie that comed an was fightin with some a the nice horsies. A few a em getted hurt but they is all arite cept fer Moonshadow, the big black stallion. I'm real sad bout this cuz I think Moonshadow was finally startin ta like an trust me. But he's a lil crazy now an he dun like people anymore. He's tryin ta hurt folks an we ain't posed ta git near him. I was sittin over at the clinic around back a the stables an Mama was tendin ta a lil filly that was hurted. It seemed like a long long time goed by so I went ta see how things was. Mama was on the ground an Miss Sarah was there with her tryin ta help her. I getted real scared but didn't let em know... I had ta act brave. Turns out Moonshadow goed crazy or sumthin an his hoof getted my Mama in the head! I runned ahead ta town to see if a doc was there an Miss Sarah helped Mama get ta the docs office. She had ta have some stitches in her head, but she's gonna be arite.

Nothin can happen ta my Mama an I prayed ta God lotsa times las nite so he would make sure she's arite. I telled Mama that I need her an she Rainbow Promised that she's gonna be arite, an I believe her.

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