Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Piper to date...

Tombstone, Arizona it is now 1899...

I was found at the age a 5 wanderin near the road atween Tombstone an Bisbee. Not far from an ambushed covered wagon, they figured that I belonged ta someone aboard who had met their untimely demise. Unfortunately the brutal murders, an havin been stripped a all their personal belongings, left no clue as to my identity. Unfortunately I dun remember anything about my family. When asked my name I thought for a moment an replied “Piper an I a pirate.”

So begins my story. I’m 7 years old now. I had one couple that taked me inta their house an sayed they was gonna take care a me, but that dun last long. One morning they dropped me off at one a their friends an they never comed back. Then I was put with another man an lady an they promised they was gonna love me an take care a me, but purty much the same thing… not long an they was gone. The next ones were real bad… all they seemed ta do was scream an yell an fight all the time. Finally one day that lady leaved and it was jus me an the man. But that not lasted long… he bringed another lady ta live with us an she didn’t seem ta like me. One mornin I waked up an they both was gone. I wandered out of the house and found myself in Tombstone.

I live at the orphanage now an it’s ok. I've been there fer bout 3 months an have meeted lots a new people. Grown ups were aways askin me if I wanted em ta dopt me an I dun trust grown ups much so I sayed I jus wanna be an orphan forever. Miss Sarah takes care a us an she is purty nice. She's kina strict but still love her an she was the first grown up I trusted in Tombstone. I maked a lemonade stand an sell lemonade with some a the other kids in town.

People seem ta like my lemonade an buy lots a it. I got a bank account an saved my monies til I had nuf ta buy a pony. Miss Jess is our teacher at school an she has a big ranch called Dreamer's Ranch. She had a real nice pony she selled ta me an I named her Mona. I love Mona bunches an try ta spend as much time as I can with her. Owny problem is she lives kina far from town so sometimes I dun get ta see her every day.

Our teacher, Miss Jess, is really nice. She likes kids lots an she would come an take me an my friend Lily ta her ranch and let us play an stuff. One time she taked me campin an it was so much fun.
We talked lots an she sayed that she would like ta have another daughter... she has one girl named Alesha who is 7 years old too, but she's older than me. Miss Jess an me fit agether real good an I like bein with her lots. She makes me feel good an save an loved... so I changed my mind bout bein dopted an she sayed she wanted me! She says she will aways love me an promised she ain't gonna leave me. Miss Jess maked a petition ta dopt me all we have left is ta see the judge... I even had ta have a check up at the doctors. I was real scared, but it ain't that bad an the doc says I'm real healthy. I have to have shots one day, but I purty sure I can find a way outta it.

The 4th a July in Tombstone was lotsa fun. There was hayrides an fireworks an everythin. I watched the fireworks with Alesha, Lily an Jules.

So now we are purty much up ta date. I'll try ta keep tellin ya all how things are goin.

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