Monday, July 12, 2010

Sunday fun...

Yesterday was sooo much fun! I was in town with Lily an Miss Jess showed up an asked if we wanted ta go swimmin an have a picnic. A course we did, I couldn't stop jumpin up an down so jumped all the way ta the orphanage ta change my clothes.

Lily, Timmie an I rided in a wagon with Beauty pulling it an Miss Jess rided on Twister. We got ta the lake an I getted ta show Timmie an Lily how I can swim now. I was real happy an not too scared. It was my second time swimmin since I learned. Well I learned ta float a while go from Miss Sarah, but then Miss Jess finished teachin me how ta swim. I can float real good too.

There is a really neat swing thingy at the lake, but I was too scared ta try it. Miss Jess an Timmie did it though an they was both real good at it.

After we swimmed fer a long time we had a picnic... Timmie, Miss Lita, Miss Jess an me. Miss Jess bringed us samwiches an fruit. She bringed apples an bananers. Timmie never had a bananer an it was so fun ta watch him cuz he loved it so much! Then we had blueberry muffins that Miss Jess maked all by herself an they were really good.

Miss Jess sayed she had a suprise fer me after we were dun an it was back at the stables. I was so cited, but she wouldn't tell me what it was. So we cleaned up the picnic stuff an we rode back to the stables. In a lil pen next ta the stables was the cutest lil lamb in the world! Miss Jess sayed he was mine... she buyed him fer me fer as a suprise. He's soft an bouncy an we named him Jacob. I really love him an I love Miss Jess soooooo much.

We went back ta the ranch an Lily getted ta see Isaac an Simon my bunnies. They have grown a bunch aready an they are so cute. We sat an played with em for a lil while.

When it started ta get late we goed back to Miss Jess' house an she cooked me dinner... chicken an potato salad and lemonade. It was really good! An then we went inta town fer storytime with Miss Sarah. After storytime I got ta sleep over at Miss Jess' house. She lets me sleep in her big bed with her an I like it a bunch. I sleep really good there an I'm so happy.

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