Saturday, July 17, 2010

Adoption is gettin close...

The past two days have been purty citin fer me. There's one bad thing, but all the rest is good. The bad thing is Miss Jess telled me that I gots a have a Small Pox shot afore we go ta court fer the doption. I dun think I need it, but they say I gots ta. I'm real scared... all the kids have sayed that shots hurt real bad. I dun remember ever havin one an am scared. If I ain't loved Miss Jess so much I would jus runway an not have the shot. We are posed ta go ta court tomorrow which means I might have ta have the shot today if Doc Freja is round. I'm not gonna talk bout it an hope maybe they all jus ferget bout it.

Yesterday Miss Jess telled me I could go get some a my clothes an bring em back ta her house. I been stayin there more than at the orphanage an I keep runnin outta clothes an havin ta borrow Alesha's. So, I went back an was tryin ta figure out which ones ta bring an cided ta jus drag my whole trunk full a stuff over. I was hopin Miss Jess wouldn't be made an she wasn't. She chuckled a lil at me draggin that big thing.

We putted all my clothes in the chest with Alesha's an the we goed ta the ranch an did chores an stuff. Timmie was there workin an it was real good ta see him. He seems real happy bout me bein dopted by Miss Jess. He says she's an angel.

I gathered egg from the chickies an getted seven a them, I awso checked on my bunnies who are gettin so big. Miss Jess milked the cow an feeded the chickies. An then I taked the milk an eggs back ta the house.

Today when I waked up there was a real big suprise fer me. Miss Jess buyed my bed an bedroom furniture an it was delivered ta the house. It's soooooo purty an not too pink. I love it! Miss Jess awso put this music player thingy (I ferget what she called it) on the nightstand next ta my bed. It has these disks an they play the purtiest music. She knows I love music an it helps me sleep. Then a course I had ta test the most portant part a the bed... an I happy ta say that it jumps real good!

Now I'm jus sittin in "my room" an thinkin bout stuff. Miss Jess is restin an Alesha ain't home so it's real quiet. Alesha had ta go stay with her Auntie cuz she was havin some trouble breathin in Tombstone. It's real dusty an lotsa folks seem ta get breathin problems. I'm sure glad I dun get em. Miss Jess sayed that I dun have ta go stay in North Carolina with Alesha an her Auntie, but we might go ta visit sometime an that would be fun. Anyways... I'm thinkin an prayin ta God that this is gonna be a real good thing bein dopted. I ain't had good luck with folks takin care a me an I keep talkin ta God bout this. He makes me feel good an so does Miss Jess so I think it's gonna be real good.

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