Monday, July 19, 2010

Adoption Day!

Sunday July 18, 1899 was the big day fer me an.... Mama! We had gone campin with Timmie, Lily, Dmi an Jules after school on Saturday then comed back home an had ta get all cleaned up. I even taked a bath... I think I'm gonna have ta jus get used ta baths now cuz my Mama likes me ta take em. Mama suprised me with a new dress an it's purple, my favorite color. We both getted all clean an dressed real purty an went ta town.

Mama has a good memory an as much as I wanted her ta ferget bout that Smallpox shot she didn't. She finded a nurse in town, Miss Kat, who was able ta do it. I was sooo scared it took a long time afore I would let Mama put me down on the docs table. When I finally letted her put me down I started ta cry an couldn't stop. Miss Kat was tryin ta be real nice but it wasn't workin. Mama holded my hand an was talkin ta me but the tears keeped on comin an I wouldn't even look at Miss Kat. It seemed like it taked a year ta be done even though Miss Kat telled me it would be over by the time I counted ta ten... an I think it was. I'm really glad ta be done with that an hope I dun need another shot ever in my life.

After the shot we went over ta Miss Sarah's studio an then ta the courthouse. We waited there fer a long time an the judge dun show up so we went back ta Miss Sarah's studio fer stories. Miss Sarah telled us a real nice story bout a guy that worked on a railroad an was kina a hero. I tried ta pay tention ta the story, but honestly I was kina worried that I wasn't gonna get dopted an was feelin sad. But... after storytime we went back over ta the courthouse an Mister Mayor Adrian was there an ready ta do the doption!

Miss Sarah an Lily an Miss Sheriff Sarrah an some other folks was all there an we listened ta Mister Mayor Adrian talk an ask me stuff:

[21:22] Piper Buccaneer smiles, "It's Mister Mayor Adrian!"
[21:22] CoopJess Dreamscape: Oh Sir we jest was coming ta see if ya made it yet *smiles and takes a seat*
[21:23] Sayshy Luik settles down, watching with a smile
[21:23] Piper Buccaneer: He's here, Lily. ~Smiles~
[21:25] Sayshy Luik: ja! he is!
[21:26] Adrian Wise gathers up his paperwork.. sorts through it
[21:26] Sayshy Luik beams at her ma
[21:27] CoopJess Dreamscape keeps her hands in her lap smiling to Sarah seeing her come in
[21:28] SarahMarie Paule reaches for her daughter's hand and smiles over at her.
[21:28] SarahMarie Paule smiles back at Miss Jess.
[21:28] Sayshy Luik tangles her fingers in with her ma's
[21:29] CoopJess Dreamscape smiles at Piper then turns her attention to the Mayor[21:29] Piper Buccaneer smiles at Miss Jess and continues to fidget in her seat.
[21:30] Sayshy Luik leans her head on ma's shoulder
[21:30] Adrian Wise finishes reading, takes out his pen. Dips it into the inkwell and scrawls his name.. nods and blots the paper
[21:31] Adrian Wise looks up at Lil Miss Piper
[21:31] Adrian Wise: Good Evening.
[21:31] Piper Buccaneer waves to Mister Mayor Adrian and smiles
[21:31] Adrian Wise: Do you know why you are here today?
[21:31] Piper Buccaneer: Yes Sir
[21:32] Sayshy Luik listens, remembering her adoption day
[21:32] CoopJess Dreamscape smiles warmly trying to hide her own nervousness
[21:32] Adrian Wise: Do you know that it means to be adopted? To have a new name?
[21:33] Piper Buccaneer: Yes Sir, it means that Miss Jess will be my real mum an she will take care a me an love me an I gots ta listen ta her an love her an all that stuff.
[21:33] Adrian Wise: Are you ready to do that?
[21:34] Piper Buccaneer: Yes Sir, I love Miss Jess more than anythin an I trust her an she ain't gonna leave me.
[21:34] Sarrah Georgia smiles at Pipper
[21:34] Adrian Wise thinks a bit
[21:34] CoopJess Dreamscape can't help but smile big at Pipers answer
[21:34] Sayshy Luik grins
[21:35] Adrian Wise: OK then. *lifts the paper work up in a formal fashion
[21:35] Adrian Wise: The Territory of Arizona
[21:35] Adrian Wise: The Town of Tombstone
[21:35] CoopJess Dreamscape is now holding her breath
[21:35] Adrian Wise: Notice to Adopt into the Family Dreamscape
[21:35] Sayshy Luik squeezes her ma's hand
[21:35] Piper Buccaneer listens
[21:36] Adrian Wise: one Piper Buccaneer future Captain of her own pirate ship
[21:36] Piper Buccaneer giggles and nods
[21:36] CoopJess Dreamscape chuckles softly
[21:36] Adrian Wise: to Miss CoopJess Dreamscape, Benson, Cottonwood Junction, Arizona
[21:36] Adrian Wise: Heritage: North Carolina born Cherokee Mixed Decent
[21:36] Adrian Wise: List of Surviving Realitives:
The Estate of Dreamers Ranch
[21:37] Adrian Wise: On this day July 18th in the year of our Lord 1899
[21:37] Adrian Wise: 9:37pm
[21:38] CoopJess Dreamscape grips her hands in her lap hanging on his every word
[21:38] Adrian Wise: Who is witness for the Child?
[21:38] Sayshy Luik looks around nervously
[21:40] Adrian Wise: Name of Child: Piper Buccaneer Age of Child: 7 Years Old and in Good health Vaccinated for the Small Pox
[21:40] Adrian Wise: Do we have a witness for the child?
[21:40] CoopJess Dreamscape looks around as well
[21:40] Piper Buccaneer whispers to Miss Jess, "What does that mean?"
[21:40] SarahMarie Paule looks confused, not sure what that means
[21:40] RosaMarie Hock wonders what that means
[21:40] Piper Buccaneer: Can my bunny JA do it?
[21:40] Sayshy Luik frowns confused, not remembering this part
[21:41] Adrian Wise laughs .. "Bunnys can't sign papers"
[21:41] Piper Buccaneer: oh
[21:41] Adrian Wise: .... Too bad they can't
[21:41] CoopJess Dreamscape chuckles at Piper and whispers *No afraid not* looks back up and around the room
[21:41] RosaMarie Hock: I will witness for her whatever she needs.
[21:42] Piper Buccaneer: Was I posed ta bring someone? Lily is my bestest friend.
[21:42] Sayshy Luik nods rapidly
[21:42] Adrian Wise: I need a signatory here ... anyone that knows Miss Coopjess and Lil Miss Piper .. can you please bare witness?
[21:42] Sayshy Luik raises her hand
[21:42] SarahMarie Paule: I kin do that.
[21:42] Sarrah Georgia: I will sir
[21:42] Adrian Wise: I'll take you both
[21:42] Arachnia Fall "I can as well on behalf of Miss Jess."
[21:43] Piper Buccaneer smiles hearing all the people offering to do this.
[21:43] CoopJess Dreamscape glances back smiling a grateful look to all that offered
[21:43] Adrian Wise produces the document
[21:43] LaylaRose Haven: looks up at her maw and smiles
[21:43] Adrian Wise: kindly sign that this is all in order
[21:44] Sarrah Georgia takes the paper and leans over to sign it looks at Piper and winks and signs her name
[21:44] Piper Buccaneer smiles real big at Miss Sheriff Sarrah
[21:45] SarahMarie Paule takes the document, smiling, briefly looks it over and signs.
[21:45] Adrian Wise: I thank you kindly
[21:45] Piper Buccaneer smiles watching Miss Sarah sign the paper.
[21:45] Sayshy Luik smiles happily
[21:45] CoopJess Dreamscape smiles now holding her breath again as the Mayor approaches
[21:46] SarahMarie Paule ruturns to her seat
[21:46] Adrian Wise: In a little while Lil Miss Piper.. You will have another Mom. This mom will give you a name. Shelter. A home. Guidance and love.
[21:46] Sayshy Luik smiles at her ma
[21:47] Adrian Wise: You already have had one mom who gave you life. As you walk you paths. you will remember how lucky you are to have two moms!
[21:48] Piper Buccaneer nods and smiles at Miss Jess.
[21:48] CoopJess Dreamscape smiles down at Piper then back tot he Mayor listening closely
[21:49] Sayshy Luik snuggles closer to her ma
[21:49] RosaMarie Hock hugs her in return
[21:49] Adrian Wise: In time, you will learn that you have even a BIGGER family then you can imagine.
[21:50] Adrian Wise: Officiate Signature: A. Wise, Mayor
The Court of Tombstone Arizona
in Cochise County hereby recognizes
[21:50] Adrian Wise: the document to be true and binding
The document is now a matter of
Public Record and the information on this
Document can be used for any and all legalities.
[21:50] Piper Buccaneer is confused about that but nods.
[21:50] CoopJess Dreamscape takes Pipers hand
[21:50] Adrian Wise looks around the room at all the confused people
[21:50] Adrian Wise shakes his head
[21:50] Sayshy Luik blinks
[21:51] Piper Buccaneer whispers to Miss Jess, "Are we dopted now?"
[21:51] Adrian Wise gave you PIPER BUCCANEER Adoption (wear).
[21:51] Adrian Wise hands over the documents
[21:51] Adrian Wise: Congratulations Miss Coopjess
[21:51] Adrian Wise: Lil Miss Piper
[21:51] CoopJess Dreamscape takes them exhaling a breath she has been holding so long *Thank you so much Sir*
[21:51] Piper Buccaneer smiles really big, "Thankies Mister Mayor Adrian Sir, very much!"
[21:51] Adrian Wise: We're done! and I bet it didn't hurt as much as that Small pox shot!
[21:52] Adrian Wise smiles warmly
[21:52] Piper Buccaneer giggles, "nope!"
[21:52] Adrian Wise: heh
[21:52] SarahMarie Paule beams
[21:52] Piper Buccaneer says excitedly, "We're dopted!"
[21:52] SarahMarie Paule: Congratulations Miss Jess, Piper!
[21:52] Sarrah Georgia smiles towards the new family
[21:53] CoopJess Dreamscape smiles so big her face hurts *we sure are...thank you all*
[21:54] CoopJess Dreamscape hugs Piper trying to be careful of her arm
[21:54] Piper Buccaneer puts her head on her Mama's shoulder and looks up at her smiling.

We went home an Mama an me was so tired we goed straight ta bed all snuggled up an happy.

This mornin afore we went ta the orphange ta pick up my stuff I gived Mama a picture I maked fer her. I have cided that when I make a real portant promise ta someone I'm gonna Rainbow Promise jus like God did with Noah when He telled Noah that the rainbow was His promise that there would never be another flood that would take over the whole earth gain.

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