Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wednesday mornin...

I getted up an Mama was still asleep so I came inta my room ta write bout how happy I am. I dun think I ever sleeped so good or waked up feelin so happy afore. God sure does know what He's doin an He sure bringed me ta the mos perfeck Mama ever. How could I not sleep good when this is how I goed ta sleep:

~ Mama pulls the quilt back *alright in we go*

~ Piper runs and jumps onto the bed then settles in

~ Mama hops in with her

~ Piper smiles

~ Mama pulls the covers around them snuggling them in, brushes some hair from her face kissing her cheek "I love ya more then all the sunrays and clouds in the sky you have sweet dreams"

~ Piper whispers "I love ya more than all the sunshine an raindrops in the world, my Mama!"

~ Mama smiles heart warming and wraps her in her arms humming softly till they both fall asleep

~ Piper snuggles up close to her Mama and closes her eyes falling asleep.


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