Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Willow Lake...

When I waked up yesterday Miss Jess asked if I wanted ta go ta Willow Lake an swim an guess what... a course I did!

There was a new man we meeted named Mister Loki an he comed with and so did Miss Lita an on the was we saw Travis an he getted ta come too. We got there an we swimmed an splashed an jumped in the water an it was lotsa fun. I getted lil tired so took a break on a log an did some daydreamin... amost even feel asleep.

While I was daydreamin Miss Jess was busy settin up a suprise. She is gonna get a new name soon... the Suprise Lady. *giggles* I looked up an she had setted up tents... we were gonna camp out over nite. I love campin out. It was gettin dark an I bringed a jar fer catchin fireflies an all a sudden there they was... lotsa fireflies. Miss Lita catched two an I catched two so we had four in the jar. I putted it down near the tent so we could see in the middle a the nite.

We had stew fer dinner an then Miss Jess telled us two stories. One was kina scary bout a bad Pirate named Blackbeard. But one funny thing was he putted his long long beard in piggytails. I wish I could a seen that. The other story wasn't scary it was bout a big gigantor blue ox. I never seen an ox but this one was sooooooo big an nice too.

Travis had ta go home after stories, but the rest a us camped out. Mister Loki sleeped outside in a bedroll, Miss Lita an Shadow sleeped in one tent an Miss Jess an me in the other.

There's somethin bout sleepin outside that makes me sleep real good. A course bein next ta Miss Jess helps cuz I feel safe. She says she ain't gonna let anythin happen ta me an I believe her. There was a real scary noise afore we goed ta bed, but she sayed she won't let it get us an it didn't!

I was the first one ta wake up this mornin an I sneaked outta the tent an jus sat an enjoyed the quiet. It's real purty out at Willow Lake in the mornin.

Ohhhh... I hear folks wakin up. Gonna end fer now....

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