Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Surprise ride...

Las night afore it getted dark out, I was in the orphanage yard swingin an Miss Jess showed up with a surprise. She bringed Mona, my pony, an asked if I wanted ta go fer a ride. A course I did!

We rided ta Black Diamond Hills an Miss Jess asked if I ever seen the waterfalls. I never seen em afore so she sayed we could ride ta em but I hadda stay real close cuz there was parts of the trail that getted purty narrow… an she wasn’t kiddin. Narrow an steep… there was a few times I jus holded my breath and let Mona do the work. When we getted there is was mazin!

I never seen such a beautiful place afore. Water was comin down all round us an there was a pool that I wanted a go swimin in but Miss Jess sayed it’s kina rough water an swirls round an stuff.

Miss Jess taked her horsie Ace in the water, but Mona is lots shorter so we cided it would be better not ta let her go in.

It was startin ta get late so we had ta go back ta town, but Miss Jess sayed we can go back gain another time an bring a picnic lunch. I can’t wait! The ride back was good an then Miss Jess tucked me inta bed an she taked Mona back ta her stall fer me.

God has been real good ta me an I hope He knows how much I preciate it :)

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