Sunday, August 15, 2010

Chores and more fun...

It's been a purty fun week. I learned how ta do some chores, but really they ain't so bad. I hear grown ups complain bout em, but so far the owny one I wasn't real fond a is sweepin the floors... an still it ain't that bad.I owny had a sweep downstairs an it didn't take too long.

Mama was outside warshin our clothes.Now if ya asks me, that dun look fun at all. But Mama, she's mazin an she's out there singin an hummin like it's all kinds a fun. God maked my Mama so beautiful an not jus what ya see when ya look at her, but all that's inside a her too!

After I sweeped the floors, I getted ta dust. I like dustin cuz things look so shinny after ya git the dust off a em. I tried ta be careful not ta mess up Mama's portant papers on her desk.

I awso learned how ta do some new things at the ranch. I aready knew how ta feed the chickies an gather up their eggies, clean stalls an feed my bunnies (oh I gots a new lil white one now that comed ta live with my others. They all getted sick, but they is all better now!). Mama teached me how ta milk Bessy the cow. It's a lil hard, but I can do it *smiles proudly*.I milked her gain yesterday all by mineself an amost filled the bucket! I awso helped Miss Lita an gived one a the horsies some hay.

After doin some chores, Miss Lita sayed it was time fer some fun. We taked Darkfire an Beauty out fer a ride. I getted ta ride Beauty an she is so much fun.Miss Lita was on Dark who is real new to bein rided. She's a real sweet horsie an gits long good with all the other horsies an the people too.We rode out ta Willow Lake where we rested fer a lil while.Then we was gonna ride up inta the mountains, but we didn't git too far. We was ridin long an the horsies started ta git real nervous an jumpy. We heared thunder an then it started ta rain an there was even lightenin comin close ta us. Miss Lita wasn't scared an I knew I had ta be brave cuz the horsies were really scared an Beauty was even buckin a lil. Miss Lita finded a place fer us ta git inta an we stayed in there til the lightenin stopped.It was real funny cuz Beauty finally calmed down an she falled sleep. She was snorin an we was gigglin at her. She even had a dream an I could feel her twitchin.

We was still standin there an all a sudden this real cute lil pony comed ta where we was. It was rainin but most the thunder an stuff had stopped an the horsies wasn't scared no more. In fact when they seen this cute lil pony they seemed to fergit all bout the storm. Miss Lita says it's a Shetland Pony... all I know is she's dorable! We had ta git goin back home an was hopin she would come with us an guess what... she did!

I asked Miss Lita if we can keep her an she thought Mama would prolly let us. Miss Lita putted her in a stall an I hadda go cuz I was late fer school. I was so late that I even fergitted ta tell Mama bout the pony an asks if we can keep her. I'm gonna asks her bout it today!

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