Saturday, August 21, 2010

More travels...

Me an Mama been really doing lotsa splorin the past few days. We seen a bunch a towns, some big an some small, an would ya believe we ain't seen but one person! I dun know what happened ta all the folks in these towns, but after talkin with the man today I'm thinkin they all getted scalped by Natives. It's a good thing we seen him too cuz he showed us where not ta go... it was a ravine that looked kinna purty so we might a gone there.

The day afore yesterday while Mama was restin, me an Barley jus sat by the water an rested too. He's a real good donkey an I think he likes me cuz when this wild horsie comed a lil close to us he getted up and standed atween me an the horsie like he was gonna make sure I dun get hurted. I still hope he gets ta come home with us!

Later that day me an Mama goed out splorin an outta nowhere this bear comed after us. It was big an black an not nice at all. Mama yelled fer me ta make my pony run run run an I did an jus prayed that she was ahind me. Luckily she was an both a us an the horsie an pony was arite. It was scary.
We been havin a few scary times on our splorin adventures. Yesterday we comed outta one a the deserted towns that looked like a Native town an the only way ta git out was ta cross a swingin bridge. Mama jus sayed fer me ta stay close ahind her an go real slow, an I did an I holded my breath the whole way cross! Actually we ended up havin ta cross two of em an I was still jus as scared on the second one. But, it was really worth it cuz when we getted ta the other side we saw the most beautiful view.
Today we was out ridin gain an that's when we comed cross the man that telled us bout the Natives so we went a around another way and it was jus so purty. I ain't ever seen so much green an purty flowers like we has on this trip. An some of the lil houses are real cute... I even telled Mama we should git one so we could have a place to stay if we comed back. Later today we are gonna go swimmin an I think do more splorin. Mama sayed we owny gots tomorrow an then the next day we are goin back on the train ta go home.

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