Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Our trip to Colierado...

Me an Mama has been in Colierado fer two days now an I'm havin so much fun! We leaved Tombstone after sayin bye bye to everyone an we getted on a train. I ain't never been on a train afore an Mama sayed we was travelin "first class"... dun know what that is, but it sure was fun. We had a lady that bringed us food an blankies an real soft pillows. When we stopped at places the man that works on the train aways yelled "All board". We sleeped on the train an in the mornin after havin breakfast we arrived in Colierado.

On the first day we walked round a lil an then finded a real purty place ta rest fer a bit.After we rested we goed inta the town an it was purty quiet at first. We goed in a place an had some dinner an it was real good! The turkey had some sweet stuff on top a it, Mama sayed it's called cranberry an it's sweet an I liked it lots.After we eated we was walkin round an this man sayed we should go over ta the playhouse cuz there was some folks there. I thought it was gonna be a show, but it wasn't. There was a lady there makin music an me an Mama danced fer awhile an talked with her. She was real nice, but after awhile some more folks comed in an they was kinna different so we leaved.Oh when we first getted there, we meeted a cute lil donkey. He seemed ta be all lone an we gived him apples an he really liked em. Well since then he seems a be followin us round an I hope we get ta keep him. He followed us back ta where we was gonna camp the first nite an he sleeped right near us. Today we named him Barley cuz Mama says he's kinna the same color as barley. I think it's a real cute name. I didn't see him when we first getted up in the mornin, but he finded us later when we was out splorin.

We went an did lotsa splorin today. First on a lil boat that Mama had ta drive... well I think it's called rowin or somethin. We goed by a real Native Indian village an there was the purty tents they live in an so much stuff there. Mama sayed we should be kinna quiet goin bye. I think that's cuz we dun know if they is friend or mean Indians. We saw big big buffalo's an lotsa other animals too. We stopped ta rest an when we waked up the boat had drifted way, but our donkey friend Barley showed up. We cided ta go splorin on foot an Barley comed with us. We seen an abandoned mine or somethin like that, an a lil town that was real quiet, an some real real purty flowers. Mama sneeked up an tickled me an runned way, so I catched her an tickled her back. It was lotsa fun. Then we cided to see what Barley would do if Mama tickled him. He giggles a donkey giggle!

After we splored we goed an picked up our stuff cuz we wanted ta camp at another spot tonight. Mama rented us a horsie fer her an a pony fer me an Barley carried our totes an tent an bedrolls an we finded a real nice spot by the river to camp. While I was puttin my jammies on an Mama was puttin the tent up, Barley falled sleep an he snored soooo loud. He had some stinky gas too... me an Mama giggled a bunch. We hope maybe we can take him back ta Arizonie with us.

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