Saturday, September 4, 2010

Fun times...

Oh my gosh there is so much ta tell bout an I know I can't tell it all so gonna tell bout some fun stuff that been goin on. Ya know I love all the animals so much! God not owny blessed me with the bestest Mama in the world, but awso with lots an lots a animals in our lives. We gots a dog named Lizzy an she is real smart an sweet.She can do all kins a stuff an what she ain't able a do, Mama can teach her real fast! Mama awso gived me a doggie the other day. His name is Amos an he gots lots an lots a hair. Mama sayed that his hair protecks him an he has ta keep it long an in his eyes. Seems silly ta me, but she knows better so I cided not ta give him a haircut.

One day we was out walkin an Nina, the horsie, was with us. I getted up on a fence ta walk an it was kinna hard ta keep mine balance but I was doin real good. Nina was worried bout me I think cuz she keeped standin next ta me like she was gonna catch me if I falled of. I didn't fall though an maked it all the way cross!

The other day while Mama was busy talkin ta Timmie, I was playin with Simon, Isaac an Abel, mine bunnies. I was petting Abel an cided ta take him inta the barn an introduce him ta Mona mine pony. They was gettin long real good, nose ta nose sniffin an stuff so I cided ta see if Abel wanted ta ride her..
He dun soooo good, I was real proud a him.

Oh, I amost forgetted a tell say that we hadda move back ta the ranch. Mama was kinna sad bout how it all comed bout, but it really ain't all that bad. Like I telled Mama, I dun care where we live so long as I am with her. We getted a new house an we get ta share one big room upstairs.

Well this mornin I getted up an Mama was sleepin so good I not wanted a wake her. I was really hungry an I knew there was lots goin on today so I cided ta make mineself some eggies. It was so funny cuz Amos was followin me every step I taked, he wanted some eggies too! One time he even rolled over on he back an jus begged me. Or maybe he jus wanted me a pet his tummy, not sure! Makin eggies is lots harder than it looks when Mama is doin it. I breaked a few an kinna maked a lil fire in the pan. I'm gonna let Mama do the cookin from now on... maybe.
This afternoon there was a real big Livestock Show in town on Allen Street. Mama had a go someplace so Miss Lita was in charge an she letted me ride on Darkfire. Oh my it was so fun!I getted a do tricks with her an Dark was such a good girl. She did everythin I asked her a do an perfeckly too! I even dun a handstand on her back an standed up on the saddle an dun a flip. She waved an bowed an guess what... we getted 2nd Place... a purty red ribbon! An Miss Lita getted 1st Place... a blue ribbon. Shadow our doggie had a blue ribbon too. An then at the end, Mister Mayor Adrian called Miss Lita an the big draft horsie up an gived em a big trophy!!!! We gots the bestest animals an Mama an Miss Lita trains em so good.
I can't wait ta see Mama later an tell her all bout our day!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Last days a our trip...

Our last days in Colierado was more splorin an havin fun. Me an Mama had lotsa fun swimmin. We started at our campsite an swimmed up the river a ways ta a big lake. At the lake we seen a big bullfrog!He was huge an maked lotsa noise. I was thinkin it would be fun ta bring him home, but Mama didn't think we could catch him. She even putted a lilypad on her head ta see if the froggie would git on her. It was soooo funny, ya shuda seen her with that big thing on her head. We awso seen a beautiful swan an it wasn't even scared a us.
We noticed a canoe that was on the side a the river an ain't no one round so we borrowed it an went up the river a ways. Mama showed me how ta use the oar an it really ain't too hard. She's stronger then me so I think she doed mos the work, but I helped. We was paddlin long an comed ta a real big Native village. Mama sayed we had a be real quiet. We didn't see any Natives so we sitted real quiet for lil while lookin at all the stuff they gots there.
After we was done we goed back to our camp an Mama was laughin cuz she sayed I getted a bath an dun even realize it. I dun like baths so much an I guess with all that swimmin in the purty water I was clean. Our last nite in the tent was kinna sad fer me cuz I really liked it there campin near the water.
In the mornin we went inta town an had some breakfast then goed back an packed up the tent an all our stuff. Mama sayed we was takin Barley home with us an I was so cited. He's a great lil burro. Mama sayed he's a burro an not a donkey but they is in the same family... I ain't sure what that means. All I know is I love him. We loaded up all our stuff onta Barley... he's real strong. Dun tell Mama, but I think he's even stronger than her!

When we getted ta the train station Mama had ta let the man take Barley cuz he hadda ride in the back of the train with the other animals. I think he was kinna scared at first but Mama maked sure they feeded him lotsa carrots an apples, so I bet he was happy an not scared no more. We was in "first class" gain an the nice lady bringed us lotsa good food an juice.
When we getted ta Benson an off the train I was real suprised ta see Miss Lita there! She comed ta pick us up an she had Trouble with her an the carriage. I think they was both real happy ta see us an suprised ta see Barley. I think Miss Lita likes him too. It was good ta see her an good ta be back home.
So now we is home an things seem ta be good. Miss Lita, Timmie an Miss Syrah taked really good care a all the animals. My bunnies looked better than when we left an Mona an Jacob were real happy. The bestest was seein Twister. He bout goed crazy when he seen Mama back home. Poor Twister musta missed her real bad. I was happy ta see all the animals an we getted ta ride inta town an see Miss Sarah an Lily too!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

More travels...

Me an Mama been really doing lotsa splorin the past few days. We seen a bunch a towns, some big an some small, an would ya believe we ain't seen but one person! I dun know what happened ta all the folks in these towns, but after talkin with the man today I'm thinkin they all getted scalped by Natives. It's a good thing we seen him too cuz he showed us where not ta go... it was a ravine that looked kinna purty so we might a gone there.

The day afore yesterday while Mama was restin, me an Barley jus sat by the water an rested too. He's a real good donkey an I think he likes me cuz when this wild horsie comed a lil close to us he getted up and standed atween me an the horsie like he was gonna make sure I dun get hurted. I still hope he gets ta come home with us!

Later that day me an Mama goed out splorin an outta nowhere this bear comed after us. It was big an black an not nice at all. Mama yelled fer me ta make my pony run run run an I did an jus prayed that she was ahind me. Luckily she was an both a us an the horsie an pony was arite. It was scary.
We been havin a few scary times on our splorin adventures. Yesterday we comed outta one a the deserted towns that looked like a Native town an the only way ta git out was ta cross a swingin bridge. Mama jus sayed fer me ta stay close ahind her an go real slow, an I did an I holded my breath the whole way cross! Actually we ended up havin ta cross two of em an I was still jus as scared on the second one. But, it was really worth it cuz when we getted ta the other side we saw the most beautiful view.
Today we was out ridin gain an that's when we comed cross the man that telled us bout the Natives so we went a around another way and it was jus so purty. I ain't ever seen so much green an purty flowers like we has on this trip. An some of the lil houses are real cute... I even telled Mama we should git one so we could have a place to stay if we comed back. Later today we are gonna go swimmin an I think do more splorin. Mama sayed we owny gots tomorrow an then the next day we are goin back on the train ta go home.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Our trip to Colierado...

Me an Mama has been in Colierado fer two days now an I'm havin so much fun! We leaved Tombstone after sayin bye bye to everyone an we getted on a train. I ain't never been on a train afore an Mama sayed we was travelin "first class"... dun know what that is, but it sure was fun. We had a lady that bringed us food an blankies an real soft pillows. When we stopped at places the man that works on the train aways yelled "All board". We sleeped on the train an in the mornin after havin breakfast we arrived in Colierado.

On the first day we walked round a lil an then finded a real purty place ta rest fer a bit.After we rested we goed inta the town an it was purty quiet at first. We goed in a place an had some dinner an it was real good! The turkey had some sweet stuff on top a it, Mama sayed it's called cranberry an it's sweet an I liked it lots.After we eated we was walkin round an this man sayed we should go over ta the playhouse cuz there was some folks there. I thought it was gonna be a show, but it wasn't. There was a lady there makin music an me an Mama danced fer awhile an talked with her. She was real nice, but after awhile some more folks comed in an they was kinna different so we leaved.Oh when we first getted there, we meeted a cute lil donkey. He seemed ta be all lone an we gived him apples an he really liked em. Well since then he seems a be followin us round an I hope we get ta keep him. He followed us back ta where we was gonna camp the first nite an he sleeped right near us. Today we named him Barley cuz Mama says he's kinna the same color as barley. I think it's a real cute name. I didn't see him when we first getted up in the mornin, but he finded us later when we was out splorin.

We went an did lotsa splorin today. First on a lil boat that Mama had ta drive... well I think it's called rowin or somethin. We goed by a real Native Indian village an there was the purty tents they live in an so much stuff there. Mama sayed we should be kinna quiet goin bye. I think that's cuz we dun know if they is friend or mean Indians. We saw big big buffalo's an lotsa other animals too. We stopped ta rest an when we waked up the boat had drifted way, but our donkey friend Barley showed up. We cided ta go splorin on foot an Barley comed with us. We seen an abandoned mine or somethin like that, an a lil town that was real quiet, an some real real purty flowers. Mama sneeked up an tickled me an runned way, so I catched her an tickled her back. It was lotsa fun. Then we cided to see what Barley would do if Mama tickled him. He giggles a donkey giggle!

After we splored we goed an picked up our stuff cuz we wanted ta camp at another spot tonight. Mama rented us a horsie fer her an a pony fer me an Barley carried our totes an tent an bedrolls an we finded a real nice spot by the river to camp. While I was puttin my jammies on an Mama was puttin the tent up, Barley falled sleep an he snored soooo loud. He had some stinky gas too... me an Mama giggled a bunch. We hope maybe we can take him back ta Arizonie with us.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Chores and more fun...

It's been a purty fun week. I learned how ta do some chores, but really they ain't so bad. I hear grown ups complain bout em, but so far the owny one I wasn't real fond a is sweepin the floors... an still it ain't that bad.I owny had a sweep downstairs an it didn't take too long.

Mama was outside warshin our clothes.Now if ya asks me, that dun look fun at all. But Mama, she's mazin an she's out there singin an hummin like it's all kinds a fun. God maked my Mama so beautiful an not jus what ya see when ya look at her, but all that's inside a her too!

After I sweeped the floors, I getted ta dust. I like dustin cuz things look so shinny after ya git the dust off a em. I tried ta be careful not ta mess up Mama's portant papers on her desk.

I awso learned how ta do some new things at the ranch. I aready knew how ta feed the chickies an gather up their eggies, clean stalls an feed my bunnies (oh I gots a new lil white one now that comed ta live with my others. They all getted sick, but they is all better now!). Mama teached me how ta milk Bessy the cow. It's a lil hard, but I can do it *smiles proudly*.I milked her gain yesterday all by mineself an amost filled the bucket! I awso helped Miss Lita an gived one a the horsies some hay.

After doin some chores, Miss Lita sayed it was time fer some fun. We taked Darkfire an Beauty out fer a ride. I getted ta ride Beauty an she is so much fun.Miss Lita was on Dark who is real new to bein rided. She's a real sweet horsie an gits long good with all the other horsies an the people too.We rode out ta Willow Lake where we rested fer a lil while.Then we was gonna ride up inta the mountains, but we didn't git too far. We was ridin long an the horsies started ta git real nervous an jumpy. We heared thunder an then it started ta rain an there was even lightenin comin close ta us. Miss Lita wasn't scared an I knew I had ta be brave cuz the horsies were really scared an Beauty was even buckin a lil. Miss Lita finded a place fer us ta git inta an we stayed in there til the lightenin stopped.It was real funny cuz Beauty finally calmed down an she falled sleep. She was snorin an we was gigglin at her. She even had a dream an I could feel her twitchin.

We was still standin there an all a sudden this real cute lil pony comed ta where we was. It was rainin but most the thunder an stuff had stopped an the horsies wasn't scared no more. In fact when they seen this cute lil pony they seemed to fergit all bout the storm. Miss Lita says it's a Shetland Pony... all I know is she's dorable! We had ta git goin back home an was hopin she would come with us an guess what... she did!

I asked Miss Lita if we can keep her an she thought Mama would prolly let us. Miss Lita putted her in a stall an I hadda go cuz I was late fer school. I was so late that I even fergitted ta tell Mama bout the pony an asks if we can keep her. I'm gonna asks her bout it today!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Catchin up...

I ain't writed much lately, but life has been real good. Seems like we are aways busy with stuff... Mama is startin ta do some farmin at the ranch. She an Timmie was workin real hard the other day gettin an area ready ta plant some wheat. I getted there jus in time ta get em some water an relax with em.I feeled kina bad that I was home bein lazy while they was workin so hard, but after seein how tired Timmie was I dun know if I could a kept up with em anyways. It's gonna be fun grownin stuff... I love carrots an hope we get ta grow some for me an the horsies... maybe even the bunnies will git some!

Yesterday I goed inta town all by myslef. Mama was busy an I didn't wanna sturb her so I tried ta find someone else ta take me an couldn't. I was real careful an maked sure there wasn't any strangers or bad guys round while I was travelin. It had been awhile since I selled lemonade an wanted to get out there afore the lemons goed bad. The lemonade was real good, but fer some reason not many folks wanted ta buy any. In fact only one nice lady buyed some. The rest a the grown ups seemed ta wanna drink that whiskey stuff *shrugs*

Anyways, when I getted home I had ta clean up the kitchen floor cuz I spilled some stew an forgetted bout it an it was dry an icky. Mama was real nice an not getted mad at me! Then she asked where I had been an I was kina scared ta tell her but I figured I better not lie an telled her the truth bout goin ta town all lone. We talked bout it an guess what... she sayed she trusted me an fer now on I'm loud ta go so long as I promised to be real real careful! I Rainbow Promised that I would be very careful. A corse I gots a be back fer dinner an can't be gone too long or nothin. So, now I am loud ta go from home ta the ranch an home ta town all by myself. It makes me feel good that my Mama trusts me nuf ta let me do these things.

Mona is such a wonerful pony. I've been tryin ta make some time everyday ta go an see her an at least brush an hug her. The best days are when we git ta go ridin. Last nite we went fer a ride. Mama, Miss Lita an me... an a course a herd a horsies came long too. There was some a the horsies from our ranch, but awso some that we dun know. We passed by Miss Whisper an Jules place. They gots a real big barn an not too many horsies so I think they keeped two a the ones that was with us. Miss Lita stayed ahind an helped them get ta know the horsies while me an Mama keeped ridin. We ended up in town jus in time for storytime. Miss Sarah telled a story about Blackbeard's Ghost... it was kina scary, but real good.
After our ride an storytime I was purty tired. We goed home an getted ready for bed an Mama brushed my hair, which I jus love when she does it.I've rested an napped in my own bed, but so far I ain't sleeped in it overnite. I love sleepin with Mama an I dun think she minds it either. She hums real purty like an angel an I fall sleep in her arms...